
Thursday, April 05, 2007


Another series that I love. I watched the show a few years back on TV, that time was still season 1, and now it had a complete seasons of 4. I downloaded Season 2 & 3 just recently, and started watching it again. However, I was not able to find Season 1 & 4 to be downloaded… Anyhow, this will not hinder me from keep on searching. Worst come to worst, will ask friends who going to US and buy these seasons for me. I just love “everwood”. Or may be you can help me out if you do have them :)

The shows wonder around the family of Dr Andy Brown (Treat Williams), he used to be the top neuro surgeon in the field, always busy saving lives in hospital, but neglected his wife – Julia, his son – Ephram (Gregory Smith) and his daughter – Dylia. One day his wife got sick and Dr Brown couldn’t save Julia. Julia passed away…

This is where the story starts, Dr Brown decided to move to Everwood (a simple Colorado town) and started free family clinic practice there.

From series to series, the story always wonder around the life of Dr Andy Brown and his family in Everwood. The obstacles that they face; the situation where hard decision just have to be made, but there is no right or wrong for each choices that they have; the love story of young Ephram towards Amy (Emily Van Camp); the friendships that they made, the relationships that they made, simply touching; and many more. For some, it might be dull, but it touches me.

A brief intro on character Ephram and Dylia.

Ephram is a gifted pianist that plays good piano, and have a deep crush towards Amy. Yet, their love story never bloom, just like the relationship between Clark Kent and Lana Lane in Smallville. There always obstacles.

Dylia on the other hand is a girl being brought up by two men, who misses her mother - Julia so much, who wears a cap always and behave tomboyish. Yet in the story, she started to makes new girl friends and grew up as a girl. Although she is the youngest, sometimes she is more matured than Dr Brown and Ephram :)

I just finished S02e04 – “east meets west” tonight. Sharing with you some story lines from the episode, it is about “change”...

(at the beginning of the episode)
“From the frosting of the Rocky mountain to the carving down to the Great Canyon, Great change only comes from Conflict. But where nature’s greatest conflict consists of relentless pounding of water on rock, or collisions under the earth crust, for people to change, it takes other people

(at the end of the episode) – Ephram wrotes
“The more things change, the more they stays the same”.
I am not sure who is the first who said that, probably Shakespeare, but at the moment, is the sentence best explains my tragic flaw. I have the inability to change…

I don’t think I am alone in this, the more I get to know other people, the more I realize it is kind of everyone’s flaw…

Staying exactly the same, for as long as possible, standing perfectly still. It feels better some how, and if you are suffering, at least the pain is familiar…

Because if you took that leap of faith, went outside the box, did something unexpected… who knows what other pain might be waiting out there. Chances are could be even worst…

So, you maintain the status quo, choose the road already traveled, and it doesn’t seem that bad, that is as far as flaws go, you are not a drug addict, you are not killing anyone, except may be yourself a little…

When we finally do change, I don’t think it happens like an earthquake or an explosion, or all the sudden we like this different person… I think it is smaller than that… the kind of thing that most people wouldn’t notice unless they look really really close, which thank god they never do…

But you notice it. Inside you that change feels like the world is different, and you hope that it is, and this is the person you get to be forever… that you never have to change again…



  • Today I was reading the Bible, and I came across this verse, just for you.

    Proverbs 16:3, verses 8 & 9 -

    "Better a little with righteousness, than much gain with injustice.

    In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."

    Just be yourself, your goodself, and let life take its course. For your life is already planned out long before you knew it.

    By Blogger Xweing, At 4/6/07, 12:58 AM  

  • thanks xwei dude :)

    By Blogger rukawa, At 4/6/07, 11:48 AM  

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